
19th Century Relic Turned Modern Marvel

2018 Industry Impact Award

2020 Best Of Maryland Awards

2021 Women In Commercial Real Estate

2022 EverGreene Leadership Promotions

2022 Ladder Award Winner

40 Years Of Restoring The U.S. Capitol

93rd Academy Awards at LA Union Station

A Historic Valentine's Day

A New Dawn For Sandusky State Theatre

A Sneak Preview Of The Victory Theatre WPA Murals

A Student's Ode To Historic Libraries

A Train Ride Across America

African-American Art & History

Aluminum: History, Technology & Conservation

Announcing Latest APT Recognized Professionals

Applications Of Large-Scale Chemical Consolidations

Atmospheric Theaters

Brooklyn Museum Celebrates 200 Years

Causes We Care About

Celebrating Dedication, Passion & Expertise

Celebrating New Beginnings

Celebrating Women's Contributions to History

Color In Sacred Architecture

Commemoration Is All Around Us

Connecting A Community With Art: Barthé's Exodus & Dance

Conservation Of A Times Square Landmark

Conservation of American Zinc Sculpture

Conservation of Large Metal Artifacts

Conservators At Work

Cultivating Religious Roots On Campus

DC Historic Preservation Officer's Award

Decorative Aluminum in the Federal Triangle

Drawn To Creativity And The Versatility Of Plaster

Eighty Years of Failed Preservation Efforts

Emily Sottile Featured In NYLC’s Common Bond

Engineer Pursues Passion For Art

ENR Honors The Maricopa County Security Building

Epiphany: Overjoyed At Seeing The Star

Eric Schlomann Receives APT Recognized Professional Status

EverGreene Artists At Home

EverGreene Expands Its Leadership Team

EverGreene Welcomes New CEO

Farley Post Office Lobby Wins 2021 Elevation Award

Fellowship In Times Of Isolation

Fountain Conservation In Tropical Climates

Four Decades of Historic Preservation

Frank Lloyd Wright's Unity Temple

From Broadway Dreams To Reality

From Movie Palace To Place Of Worship

From Scratch: The Rebuilding Of St. Anthony's

Gilding the Sherman Memorial

Greene Inducted Into Who's Who

Greene Inducted to APT College of Fellows

Happy New Year From All Of Us At EverGreene

Historic Movie Palaces

Historic Preservation At Columbia University

Holiday Wishes From Our Brooklyn Studio

Home is Where The HeART is

Humans Of EverGreene: Sunok Chun

Inspiring Performing Arts Through Adaptive Reuse

Jeff Greene On Trends & Historic Preservation

Let History Teach On Today's Higher Ed Campuses

Lighting By The Book

Love Letter To My Local Post Office

Lucy G. Moses Preservation Award Trifecta

Marble Conservation

Maziarski Receives APT Recognized Professional Status

Meet Ansley Jensen—Decorative Artist & Plasterer

Meet Dale Taylor, Transportation Extraordinaire

Meet Hugo Durand - Restoration Foreman

Meet Joanna Conte—Restoration Tech

Meet Jose Madrid, Assistant Conservator

Meet Marlene Sophia, Foreman & Decorative Artist

Meet Moira Gasior - Business Development Associate

Meet The Artist: John Coburn

Meet The Artist: Zinni Veshi

Meet Walter Kesaris, AIC PA—Conservator

Meet Yesora Song—Senior Artist & Designer

Megan Kinneen: Outstanding Women In Construction Recipient

Modern Laser Technology Advances Preservation

Modernizing Without Compromising History

Mortar testing & analysis.

My Career At EverGreene Architectural Arts

New York Life Building: A Shining Icon Reborn

Newark's Gilded Age

Outdoor Sculpture & Modern Art

Overcoming Challenges: Metal Exploration and Restoration

Paint Studies: Preserving The Past, One Layer At A Time

Painting Color Into Places Of Worship

Painting The Paschal Reality

Preservation & Restoration Of Historic Façades

Preservation of Museum Buildings & Collections

Preserving America's Library Landmarks

Preserving Our Nation's Capitols

Preserving The Fire Curtain

Progress At Christ Church United Methodist

Project Management Promotions

Rabinowitz Inducted to APT College of Fellows

Raising The Titanic

Recovering What’s Lost Or Preserving What Remains

Repairing Terra Cotta Surfaces

Restoring A National Treasure With A Light Touch

Restoring Michigan Central Station

Restoring Painted Stage Curtains

Restoring Your Historic House

Revival of the Durham Museum Art Deco Ceilings

RMS Titanic "Big Piece" Case Study

Salvage & Reuse Of The Talbot Avenue Bridge

Sarah Kloze & Sadiya Fatima Promoted To Vice President

Saving Historic WPA Art

Search & Rescue Of The Goldwater Hospital Murals

St. Peter Church Featured In Henniger's Herald

Supporting Diversity In Conservation

The Ancient Art Of Mosaics

The Art Of Asking "What's Next?"

The Art Of Commemoration

The Greatest Show On Earth

The Little Chapel That Stood

The Moon Landing: 55 Years Later

The Space Age in Construction

The Victory Theatre WPA Murals Are Returning To Holyoke

Thomas Lamb Theaters

Top 20 Of 2020

Transformation Of Old City Hall Into A Law School

Trends In Campus Restoration

Twenty Years After 9/11

Under The Same Starry Sky

Unique Approaches to Stone Conservation

Unveiling the Past: Historic Finishes Investigation

Urban Renewal: Retaining & Reusing

Wellness at Work

When Your Project Needs A Specialist

With You In Spirit: Written In Stone

Women Builders Council Recognizes Sarah Kloze

Zoom Backgrounds

10 Rockefeller Plaza Mural
New York, NY

111 West 57th Street - Steinway Building
New York, NY

120 Broadway Lobby Ceiling
New York, NY

140 New Montgomery
San Francisco, CA

140 West Street Lobby
New York, NY

18th Century Brass Graphometer
Mariners' Museum, Newport News, VA

1920's Apartment Building Lobby
Washington, DC

1930's American Airways Hangar
Fort Worth, TX

195 Broadway
New York, NY

2 Broadway MTA Mosaic
New York, NY

200 East 79th Street Lobby
New York, NY

24 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY

27 State Monuments Assessment
Various Locations, MN

30 Rockefeller Center Murals
New York, NY

360 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL

4 World Trade Center Column
New York, NY

411 5th Avenue Lobby
New York, NY

44th New York Infantry Monument
Gettysburg National Military Park, Gettysburg, PA

55 Laguna Street
San Francisco, CA

5th Avenue Theater
Seattle, WA

7 Gracie Square
New York, NY

76th Illinois Volunteer Infantry Regiment Monument
National Cemeteries, Nationwide

7th Street Theatre - Finishes Investigation
Hoquiam, WA

7th Street Theatre Façade Restoration
Hoquiam, WA

9-11 Memorial Trident
Terrorist Screening Center, Vienna, VA

9-11 Memorial Trident, Oceana Naval Station
Virginia Beach, VA

9/11 Memorial Assessment and Conservation
Clarksburg, WV

940 Madison Avenue
New York, NY

AA Weinman Sculptures
The Museum of the City of New York, New York, NY

Abraham Lincoln Life Mask
Vero Beach, FL

Abraham Lincoln Sculpture
DC Court of Appeals, Washington, DC

Academy Center of the Arts
Academy Center of the Arts, Lynchburg, VA

Acoustic Tile Restoration
Union Station, Los Angeles, CA

Adam Clayton Powell Memorial
New York, NY

Adas Israel Synagogue
Washington D.C.

African American Civil War Memorial
Washington, DC

Akron Civic Theatre
Akron, OH

Al Hirschfeld Theatre
New York, NY

Al Ringling Theatre
Baraboo, WI

Alabama Confederate Monument
Alabama State Capitol, Montgomery, Alabama

Alabama State Capitol
Montgomery, AL

Alabama Theatre
Birmingham, AL

Alabaster Sconces
Falls Church, VA

Alameda Theater San Antonio
San Antonio, TX

Alameda Theatre & Cineplex
Alameda, CA

Albany County Courthouse
Albany, NY

Albert Einstein Bust
National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC

Alexander Hamilton Sculpture
Columbia University, New York, NY

Alexander Sterling Calder's Facade Statues
I. Miller Building, New York, NY

Allen County Courthouse
Fort Wayne, IN

Allen County Courthouse, Encaustic Tile Floor
Fort Wayne, IN

Allen Theatre, Playhouse Square
Cleveland, OH

Allied Textile Printing
Paterson, NJ

Alma Mater Sculpture
Columbia University, New York, NY

Altgeld Hall
Urbana-Champaign, IL

Altria Theater
Richmond, VA

American Pharmacist's Association Building
Washington, DC

Americas Society - Incas Room Wallpaper
New York, NY

Anna Hyatt Huntington's Sculpture
Columbia University, New York, NY

Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple
New Brunswick, NJ

Antiquities & Art Objects Collection
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

Apollo Lunar Roving Vehicle "Grover"
USGS Astrogeology Science Center, Flagstaff, AZ

Applied Physics Missiles
Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, MD

Archaeological Collections
State Archaeological Collections and Research Facility, Sacramento, CA

Architectural Elements
Vizcaya Museum & Gardens, Miami, FL

Ariel Rios Federal Building
Washington, DC

Arkansas State Capitol
Little Rock, AR

Arkansas State Museums
Various Locations, AR

Arlington Cemetery Flagpoles
Washington, DC

Arlington House Mansion Exterior
Arlington, VA

Arlington National Cemetery Monuments
Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA

Armed Forces Retirement Home
Washington, DC

Art Deco Lead Fountain
Punta Gorda, FL

Art In Public Places Murals
Indio, CA

Art Museum Gallery Wood Floor Restoration
John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL

Art Restoration At Kingsborough Houses
Brooklyn, NY

Arthur M. Sackler Museum
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Ascension Church
New York, NY

Asolo Theatre
Sarasota, FL

Associator Cannon
Schuylkill Fishing Company, Andalusia-Bensalem, PA

Assyrian Relief Panels
Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA

Atlantis Space Shuttle
Kennedy Space Center, FL

Atlantis The Palm Hotel & Resort Murals
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Atlas Statue
New York, NY

Attilio Piccirilli's James Monroe Statue
James Monroe's home "Highland", Charlottesville, VA

Auditorium Restoration
Jewish Theological Seminary, New York, NY

Auditorium Theatre
Chicago, IL

August Bloedner Monument
Cave Hill Cemetery, Louisville, KY

August Wilson Theatre
New York City, NY

Augusta Lady Justice
Municipal Building, Augusta, GA

Auguste Rodin's The Thinker
Columbia University, New York, NY

Augustin Pajou Sculpture
Kykuit, The Rockefeller Estate, Tarrytown, NY

Bacchus Fountain
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

Back in a Moment Sculpture
Dallas Love Field Airport, Dallas, TX

Bailey Fountain
Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn, NY

Bailey Hall
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Balboa Theatre
San Diego, CA

Ballantine House Condition Assessment
Newark, NJ

Ballantine House Restoration
Newark, NJ

Baltimore City Hall
Baltimore , MD

Balustrade Reset
Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL

Balustrade Restoration
Department of Veterans Affairs Building, Washington , DC

Barbara Hepworth Disc With Strings Sculptures
Private Collection

Barbara Hepworth Makutu Sculpture
Lutherville, MD

Bardstown Confederate Memorial
Cemetery, Bardstown, KY

Barnard's Great God Pan Sculpture
Columbia University, New York, NY

Baron von Ripper Mural
Fort Bliss, TX

Barry Faulkner Mosaic
New York, NY

Basilica Of The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary
Baltimore, MD

Basilica Of The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Conewago Chapel, Hanover, PA

Bass Performance Hall
Fort Worth, TX

Bath Union Monument
National Cemeteries, Nationwide

Battery Maritime Building
New York, NY

Bay Pines Soldiers Memorial
Bay Pines National Cemetery, St. Petersburg, FL

Bear River Monument
Fort Douglass Cemetery, Salt Lake City, UT

Beaux-Arts Wrought Iron Gate
State Historic Park, Staatsburg, NY

Beekman Hotel & Residences
New York, NY

Bel-Jon Mosaic
Pfizer World Headquarters, New York, NY

Belasco Theatre
New York, NY

Belden-Stratford Hotel Lobby Murals
Chicago, IL

Belding Theater
Bushnell Performing Arts Center, Hartford, CT

Belgium Gate
National Museum of the U.S. Army, Fort Belvoir, VA

Bergdorf Goodman
New York, NY

Berlin Wall Fragment
Washington, DC

Bethesda Theatre
Bethesda, MD

Beverley Mill
Broad Run, VA

Bexar County Courthouse
San Antonio, TX

Bill “Bojangles” Robinson Playground Mural
New York, NY

Bill Blass Catalog Room
New York Public Library, New York, NY

Biltmore Estate Outdoor Sculpture Collection
Biltmore Estate, Asheville, NC

Biltmore Estate Romanesque Fountain
Asheville, NC

Bishop Dwenger High School Chapel
Fort Wayne, IN

Blair–Lee House
Washington, DC

Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine Chapel
Oklahoma City, OK

Blue Room at Roosevelt House
New Delhi, India

Boardwalk Hall
Atlantic City Convention Center, Atlantic City, NJ

Bodie State Historic Park Cemetery
Bridgeport, CA

Bodie State Historic Park Mining Artifacts
Bodie, CA

Bok Tower
Lake Wales, FL

Boston Opera House
Boston, MA

Brick Presbyterian Church
New York, NY

Broadmoor Hotel Bar Murals
Colorado Springs, CO

Bromm Gallery Haring Mural
New York, NY

Bronx County Courthouse
Bronx, NY

Bronx Victory Memorial
Bronx, NY

Bronze Cannons
Washington's Crossing Historic Park, Philadelphia, PA

Bronze Lamposts, Handrails, & Urns
U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.

Brooklyn Navy Yard
Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn Navy Yard Building B
Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn Public Library
Brooklyn, NY

Brooklyn Tabernacle
Brooklyn, NY

Bryce Hospital
Tuscaloosa, AL

Buchanan Memorial & Serenity Statue
Meridian Hill Park, Washington, D.C.

Bucks County Playhouse
New Hope, PA

Bull Shoals State Park
Little Rock, AR

Butler Chapel
Tarrytown, NY

Buttenwieser Hall
92NY, New York, NY

CA Science Center Douglas DC-3-G202A
Los Angeles, CA

Cadillac Place
Detroit, MI

Calgary Public Art Collections
Calgary, AB, Canada

California Science Center A-12
Los Angeles, CA

California Street Sculptures
San Francisco, CA

California Theatre
San Jose, CA

Call Collins House
Tallahassee, FL

Calvary Funeral Home Portraits
Sacramento, CA

Campbell Apartment
Grand Central Terminal, New York, NY

Campus Decorative Finishes
NYU School Of Philosophy, New York, NY

Canadian Parliament
Parliament Hill, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Canal Fountain
Kykuit, The Rockefeller Estate, Tarrytown, NY

Candoro Marble Company Showroom
Knoxville, TN

Cardozo High School
Washington, DC

Cardozo High School Mosaic
Washington, DC

Carnegie Library
Washington, DC

Carnegie Library
Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY

Carnegie Library Façade Restoration
Washington, DC

Carnes Playhouse
Arkansas Post Museum, Gillett, AR

Carpenter Theatre
Richmond, VA

Carrollton School Fountain
Miami, FL

Carshalton Gates
Planting Fields Estate, Oyster Bay, NY

Casa Italiana Theater
Columbia University, New York, NY

Cascade Fountain
Viscaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

Cascade Theatre
Redding, CA

Casino Parapet Figure
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

Cast Iron & Bronze Urns
Colorado Springs, CO

Cast Iron Bandstand
Victoria Park, Hamilton, Bermuda

Cast Iron Capitals & Fragments
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Castro Theatre
San Francisco, CA

Castro Theatre, Study
San Francisco, CA

Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption
Covington, KY

Cathedral Of Christ The Light
Oakland, CA

Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace
Honolulu, HI

Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle
Washington, DC

Cathedral of St. Patrick
Harrisburg, PA

Cathedral Of The Blessed Sacrament
Sacramento, CA

Cathedral Of The Holy Cross
Boston, MA

Cathedral of the Holy Cross Liturgical Furnishings
Boston, MA

Cathedral of The Immaculate Conception
Wichita, KS

Cathedral Of The Immaculate Conception, Albany
Albany, NY

Cathedral Of The Incarnation
Nashville, TN

Cathedral of the Madeleine
Salt Lake City, UT

Cathedral of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Knoxville, TN

Centennial Hall
Dallas, TX

Central Park Egyptian Obelisk
New York, NY

Central Park Statuary Collection
New York, NY

Central Park's Bethesda Terrace Arcade
New York, NY

Centralia Fox Theatre
Centrailia, WA

Centre Street Bridge Lion
Calgary, AB, Canada

Charles O. Perry Sculpture
Scott Rakow Youth Center, Miami Beach, FL

Charlotte Courthouse - Mosaic Survey
Charlotte, NC

Charlotte Miller Monument
University of Virginia Cemetery, Charlottesville, VA

Cheekwood Fountain Treatment
Nashville, TN

Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Bridge
Washington, DC

Chicago Cultural Center Mock-Ups
Chicago, IL

Chicago Public School - Haring Murals
Chicago, IL

Chicago Union Station
Burlington Room, Chicago, IL

Chief Manuelito Sculpture
City Hall, Gallup, NM

Christ Church
Newton, NJ

Christ Church, United Methodist
New York, NY

Christ Episcopal Church
Greenwich, CT

Christopher Columbus Monument
Pueblo, CO

Chrysler Building - Ceiling Mural
New York, NY

Chrysler Building - Elevators
New York, NY

Church of the Ascension
New York, NY

Church Of The Heavenly Rest - Door Conservation
New York, NY

Church of the Heavenly Rest - Narthex Ceiling Stars
New York, NY

Church of the Transfiguration
New York, NY

Church of the Transfiguration - Lady Chapel
New York, NY

Cincinnati Music Hall
Cincinnati, OH

Cincinnati Union Terminal Metal
Museum Center, Cincinnati, OH

Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport
Hebron, KY

City Hall Park Fountain
New York, NY

City Of Alexandria Public Art
Alexandria, VA

City Of Asheville Public Art
Asheville, NC

City of Greenbelt Limestone Relief
Greenbelt, MD

City Of Roanoke War Memorial
Roanoke, VA

Civic Theatre, Allentown
Allentown, PA

Civil War Cannons
Carlisle Barracks, Carlisle, PA

Civil War Infantryman Monument
Canton, MA

Civil War Monument
Delhi, NY

Clara Barton Apartment & Missing Soldiers Office
Washington, DC

Clara Barton House
Glen Echo, MD

Clara Barton Museum
Washington, DC

Clemens Center For Performing Arts
Elmira, NY

Clement Meadmore's Curls Sculpture
Columbia University, New York, NY

Climb To Glory Sculpture
Fort Drum, NY

Club Monaco
Miami, FL

Colonial Theatre, Laconia Restoration
Laconia, NH

Colonial Theatre, Pittsfield
Pittsfield, MA

Colony Theatre Fire Curtain
Marietta, OH

Colorado State Capitol
Denver, CO

Colorado State Capitol, House and Senate Chambers
Denver, CO

Colorado State Capitol, Old Supreme Court
Denver, CO

Columbus Palace Theatre
Columbus, OH

Conception Abbey
Conception, MO

Concrete Tetrahedron Beach Obstacle
National Museum of the U.S. Army, Fort Belvoir, VA

Congregation Shearith Israel
New York, NY

Congressional Cemetery Vault Restoration
Washington, DC

Constantin Meunier's Le Marteleur Sculpture
Columbia University, New York, NY

Constantine Nivola Wall Panel
Yale University, New Haven, CT

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Washington, DC

Cooper Hewitt Museum
New York City, NY

Copley Symphony Hall
San Diego, CA

Coral Gables City Entrance
Coral Gables, FL

Coral Gables Lampposts
Coral Gables, Florida

Coral Gables Museum
Coral Gables, FL

Coral Gables Venetian Pool
Coral Gables, FL

Coral Limestone Herm
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

Corcoran Gallery
Washington, DC

Cornice Treatment
The John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL

Corona Satellite Spy Camera
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC

Coronado Performing Arts Center
Rockford, IL

Council Chambers
City Hall, Yonkers, NY

Cullum Memorial Hall
U.S. Military Academy, West Point, NY

Curran Theatre
San Francisco, CA

Cutler Majestic Theater
Boston, MA

Dallas County Courthouse
Adel, IA

Dallas Fair Park
Dallas, TX

Daniel Chester French Granite Sculptures
Brooklyn Museum of Art, Brooklyn, NY

David Bakalar's Life Force Sculpture
Columbia University, New York, NY

David H. Koch Theater
New York, NY

David Statue
The John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota , FL

DC Police Memorial Fountain - John J. Earley
Washington, DC

DC Scottish Rite Temple Doors
Washington, D.C.

DC War Memorial
Memorial National Mall, Washington, DC

De Anza Motor Court Zuni Murals
Albuquerque, NM

Deer Sculpture Reset
Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL

Defender’s Monument
New Ulm, MN

Delbarton School Sculptures
Morristown, NJ

Delbarton School Tower Study
Morristown, NJ

Department Of Homeland Security
Washington, DC

Department Of Justice Aluminum Survey
Washington, DC

Department Of The Interior Library
Washington, DC

Detroit Institute of Arts
Detroit, MI

Dewitt Clinton Monument
Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY

Diana Chapman Walsh Alumnae Hall
Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA

Dickies Arena North Facade
Fort Worth, TX

Dime Savings Bank of New York
Brooklyn, NY

Dinoceras Sculpture
Park Avenue Plaza. New York

Directory Cases
Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters, Washington, DC

Dolley Madison House
Washington, DC

Douglas County Courthouse
Omaha, NE

Duane Library
Fordham University, Bronx, NY

Dubuffet Sculpture Treatment & Relocation
Kykuit, Rockefeller Estate, Tarrytown, NY

Dumbarton House Garden Niche
Washington, DC

Dumbarton Oaks Fountains
Washington, DC

Dumbarton Oaks Outdoor Assessment
Washington, DC

Dura-Europos Synagogue
New York, NY

E. W. Marland Mansion
Ponca City, OK

Eames House
Pacific Palisades, CA

Egyptian Theatre
Los Angeles, CA

Einstein Memorial
National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC

Eisenhower Executive Office Building
Old Executive Office Building, Washington, DC

El Dorado Building Art Deco Entrance
New York, NY

El Dorado Zinc Lion
Brooklyn Museum of Art, Brooklyn, NY

El Museo del Barrio
New York, NY

El Paso County Courthouse
El Paso, TX

Eldridge Street Synagogue
New York, NY

Eleven Pennsylvania Plaza - Lobby Ceiling
New York, NY

Emancipation Proclamation & Bethune Monuments
Washington, D.C.

Embassy Theatre, Lewiston
Lewiston, PA

Embassy Theatre, New York City
New York, NY

Emerson College Little Building
Boston, MA

Emmanuel Baptist Church
Brooklyn, NY

Empire State Building
New York, NY

Enoch Pratt Free Library
Baltimore, MD

Entry Vestibule & Grand Waiting Room
Union Station, Los Angeles, CA

Essex County Courthouse
Newark, NJ

Evermore Orlando Resort Mural
Orlando, FL

FAA Wright Buildings
Washington, DC

Faena Hotel
Miami Beach, FL

Fat Man Bomb
The Navy Museum, Washington, DC

Father Marquette Monument
Marquette Park, Gary, IN

Federal Building Limestone Facade Assessment
Washington, D.C.

Federal Hall Dome
New York, NY

Fillmore Theater
Detroit, MI

First Bank Tympanum
Philadelphia, PA

First National Great Banking Hall
Oklahoma City, OK

Fisher Building
Detroit, MI

Flag Defenders Monument
Bell Rock Park, Malden, MA

Flag House & Star-Spangled Banner Museum
Baltimore, MD

Flagler Memorial Monument
Miami Beach, FL

Fleischmann Fountain
Naples, FL

Flora Aluminum Sculpture
Hopkins Square, Baltimore, MD

Florida Theatre - Historic Finishes Study
Jacksonville, FL

Florida Theatre Restoration
Jacksonville, FL

Flower Memorial Library
Watertown, NY

Folded Sky, Homage to Colin Powell
U.S. Embassy, Kingston, Jamaica

Folly Theater
Kansas City, MO

Forecourt Gateways
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

Fort Belvoir Buildings Assessment
Fort Belvoir, VA

Fort Christian
Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas

Fort Christian Tower Clock
Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas

Fort Crawford Box Tombs
National Cemeteries, Nationwide

Fort Griffin Monument
Albany, TX

Fort Jefferson, Dry Tortugas Lighthouse
Key West, FL

Fort Moultrie
Sullivan's Island, SC

Fountain Of Time
Chicago, IL

Four Seasons Surf Club
Miami, FL

Fox Fullerton Theatre
Fullerton, CA

Fox Theater, Spokane
Spokane, WA

Fox Theatre, Oakland
Oakland, CA

Fox Theatre, Tucson
Tucson, AZ

Fox West Theatre Fire Curtain
Trinidad, CO

Franklin County Courthouse
Hampton, IA

Franklin Court Carriageway
Philadelphia, PA

Frederick C. Robie House
Chicago, IL

French 18th Century Gilded Lead & Stone Fountain
Washington, DC

Frog Fountain
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

G.A. Hickman Building—Maurice Savoie Mosaic
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada

Gabriel Loire Windows
National Young Arts Foundation, Miami, FL

GAR Monument
Rural Cemetery, Albany, NY

Gardiner W. Spring Auditorium
Chaffey Joint Union High School District, Ontario, CA

George Barnard Statuary Groups
State Capitol, Harrisburg, PA

George Fink Studio Assessment
Coral Gables, FL

George Gund Foundation Lobby
Ohio Theatre, Cleveland, OH

George Sugarman Sculpture
Tampa, FL

George Washington Bust
Mount Vernon Place Conservancy, Baltimore, MD

Georgia State Capitol
Atlanta, GA

Gio Pomodoro Sculpture
Kykuit Rockefeller Estate, Tarrytown, NY

Gold Mining Camp Museum
Goldvein, VA

Golden State Theatre
Monterey, CA

Goldwater Memorial Hospital Murals
Roosevelt Island, NY

Gothic Limestone Windows
The Cloisters Museum, New York, NY

Grace Church
Brooklyn, NY

Gracie Mansion - Stone Crack Repair
New York, NY

Granada Theatre
Santa Barbara, CA

Grand Army of the Republic Rooms
Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, IL

Grand Ballroom
Yale Club, New York, NY

Grand Central Air Terminal
Glendale, CA

Grand Central Terminal
New York, NY

Grand Opera House, Meridian
Meridian, MS

Grave Marker Conservation
Trinity Church, New York, NY

Great Court Ceiling
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA

Great Hall
The Durham Museum, Omaha, NE

Great Overland Train Station
Topeka, KS

Greek Orthodox Cathedral Of The Holy Trinity
New York, NY

Green-Wood Cemetery
Brooklyn, NY

Greensburg Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament
Greensburg, PA

Greenwich Village Apartment
New York, NY

Grounds Bronze Hardscapes
U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC

Haddon Hall Hotel Fountain
Miami Beach, FL

Hall of Columns
U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C.

Hall of Justice
Los Angeles, CA

Handrail Restoration
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC

Harlem Hospital Murals
New York, NY

Harvard Club New York
New York, NY

Haupt Fountains
Washington, DC

Hayden Planetarium Mosaic
American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY

Health Sciences Angel Sculpture
Columbia University, New York, NY

Healy Hall - Philodemic Room
Washington, DC

Hearst Castle Antiquities
Cambria, CA

Hegeler Carus Mansion
LaSalle, IL

Helen Hayes Theatre
New York, NY

Henry George Monument
Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY

Henry Moore - Vertebrae Sculpture
Dallas, TX

Henry Moore Sculpture
Columbia University, New York, NY

Henry Moore's Three Way Piece
Columbia University, New York, NY

Herbst Theatre
Veterans Building, San Francisco, CA

Hercules Sculptures Treatment
Kykuit, Tarrytown, NY

Hermann The Cheruscan Sculpture
New Ulm, MN

Hessier & Freedom Squares
Brooklyn, NY

High Bridge
New York, NY

Historic Amphitheater
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Historic Bronze Cannons
Fort Belvoir, VA

Historic City Entrance Features
Coral Gables, FL

Historic Fresco Conservation
Dominican Friars Study Center, Washington, DC

Historic Mining Equipment
Empire State Historic Park, Grass Valley, CA

Historic Stone Fireplace Mantels
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY

Historic Tools
Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Black Hills, SD

Historic Vault
Washington, DC

Historic White House Gates
Alexandria, VA

History of Tennessee Mural
University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN

Holland Theatre
Bellefontaine, OH

Hollybush Mansion
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ

Hollywood Pantages Theatre
Los Angeles, CA

Holy Family Catholic Church
Latrobe, PA

Holy Redeemer College
Washington, DC

Holyoke Public Library
Holyoke, MA

Homer's Lyre
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Hopewell Museum
Paris, KY

Hot Springs Bathhouse
Hot Springs, AR

Hotel Del Coronado - Ocean Ballroom
Coronado, CA

Hotel Miracosta
Tokyo DisneySea, Tokyo, Japan

Hotel Monaco
Washington, DC

Hotel Sofitel
New York, NY

Hotel Washington Wall Ornament
Washington, DC

House of the Temple Laylight Protection
Washington, DC

House Of The Temple, Bronze Doors
Washington, DC

Hudson County Courthouse
Jersey City, NJ

Hudson Theatre
New York, NY

Hurricane Damage Assessment & Disaster Response
Perez Art Museum , Miami, FL

Hurricane Damage Remediation
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

I. Miller Building Mosaic
New York, NY

Idaho State Capitol
Boise, ID

Illinois State Capitol - Room 400
Springfield, IL

Illinois State Capitol - Rotunda & Alcoves
Springfield, IL

Illinois State Capitol House & Senate Chambers
Springfield, IL

Illinois State Capitol Room 212
Springfield, IL

Illinois State Capitol West Wing
Springfield, IL

Immaculata Church
St. Mary, KS

Immaculate Conception Chapel
South Orange, NJ

Independent Man Statue
Rhode Island State House, Providence, RI

Industry City Walala Mural
Brooklyn, NY

Interior Finishes Study
U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC

Iowa State Capitol
Des Moines, IA

Iowa State Capitol - Small Domes Gilding
Des Moines, IA

Iron Gates Assessment
The John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL

Isamu Noguchi's Slide Mantra
Miami Beach, FL

Issac M. Wise Temple
Cincinnati, OH

Itzik Ben Shalom Sculpture
Austin, TX

Iwo Jima Monument
Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Paris Island, SC

Iwo Jima Monument Assessment
Marine Corps Depot, Parris Island, SC

J. W. Fiske Company Fountain
Atherton, CA

Jacksonville Public Art Assessment
Jacksonville, FL

Jacksonville Public Art Conservation
Jacksonville, FL

Jacob Wrey Mould Fountain
City Hall Park, New York, NY

James Farley Post Office
New York, NY

James J. Hill House
St. Paul, MN

Japanese Field Cannons
Golden Gate National Recreation Area, San Francisco, CA

Jasper County Courthouse Mural
Newton, IA

Jefferson Memorial
Washington, DC

Jefferson Sculptures
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Jefferson Statue
The Jefferson Hotel, Richmond, VA

Jenny Holzer Art Installation Relocation
Crystal Bridges Museum, Bentonville, AR

Jerome L. Greene Science Center
Columbia University, New York, NY

Jersey City Hall Council Chambers
Jersey City, NJ

Jim Sanborn Sculpture "Pyramids"
Winston-Salem, NC

Joel Shapiro's Loss & Regeneration Sculpture
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC

John J. Earley Mosaic
US Department of Justice, Washington, DC

John Jay Dining Hall Ceiling
Columbia University, New York, NY

John Sevier State Office Building
Nashville, TN

John T. Biggers Murals
Houston, TX

Joint Base Myer-Henderson Hall
Arlington, Virginia, and Washington, DC

Jon Boat
White River State Park, Bull Shoals, AR

Joseph’s Coat Skyspace by James Turrell
John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL

Joslyn Castle
Omaha, NE

Joyce Motors
North Arlington, VA

Julia Ideson Library
Houston, TX

Jumbo Sculpture
Dallas, TX

Jun Kaneko & Ursula Von Rydingsvard Sculpture
Watch Hill, RI

Justice & Liberty Statues
City Hall, Goldsboro, NC

Kaleidoscreen Sculpture
Aspen, CO

Kansas City Union Station
Kansas City, MO

Kansas State Capitol
Topeka, KS

Kansas State Capitol Architectural Metal
Topeka, KS

Kansas State Capitol Dome
Topeka, KS

Kansas State Capitol House & Senate Chambers
Topeka, KS

Kansas State Capitol Senate Chamber
Topeka, KS

Karl Bitter All Angels Church Pulpit
Metropolitan Museum, New York, NY

Karl Bitter's Facade Sculptures
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY

Kathrineberg Govenor's Residence
Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas

Keith Haring Grace House Murals
New York, NY

Kenkeleba House - Haring Mural
New York, NY

Kennedy Center For The Performing Arts
Washington, DC

Kennedy Space Center T-38 Talon Aircraft
Merritt Island, FL

Kentucky State Capitol Rotunda
Frankfort, KY

King Street Station
Seattle, WA

Kings Theatre
Brooklyn, NY

Kingston City Hall
Kingston, NY

Kline Institute of Trial Advocacy
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA

KSC F-1 Engine Prototype
Kennedy Space Center, FL

KSC Titan II Rocket Engine
Kennedy Space Center, FL

Kunta Kinte-Alex Haley Memorial
Annapolis, MD

LA Tower Theatre
Los Angeles, CA

LaGrange Terrace Column
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY

Landmark Theatre
Syracuse, NY

Laurelton Hall
Morse Museum of American Art, Winter Park, FL

Lead Sculptures Collection
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

Lead Urns Restoration
Belgian Ambassador's Residence, Washington, DC

Lefcourt Madison Building Lobby
New York, NY

Leimert Theatre
Los Angeles, CA

Leo Friedlander Reliefs
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Lerner Theatre
Elkhart, IN

Lettering Paint Study
Washington, DC

Lever House Mosaic
New York, NY

Lexus Intersect
New York, NY

Liberty Bell Replica
U.S. Department Of Treasury, Washington, DC

Library Of Congress
Washington DC

Light Dispelling Darkness Fountain
Essex, NJ

Limestone Cladding Restoration
Department of Veterans Affairs , Washington, DC

Limestone Gazebo
Washington, DC

Limestone Sphinxes
Biltmore Estate, Asheville, NC

Lincoln Birthplace Memorial
Hodgenville, KY

Lincoln Memorial
Washington, DC

Lion Fountain
Las Vegas, NM

Lipton Cup
Newport News, VA

Lobby Mural—Macao
Macao, China

Lockwood House
Harpers Ferry, WV

Long Island Private Residence
Mill Neck, NY

Long Wharf Fountain
Cambridge, MD

Los Angeles City Hall
Los Angeles, CA

Los Angeles Theatre
Los Angeles, CA

Lotte New York Palace Hotel
New York, NY

Loudoun County Courthouse War Monument
Leesburg, VA

Louis Comfort Tiffany Mosaic
Willard Memorial Chapel, Auburn, NY

Louise Bourgeois' The No March
Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, NY

Louisville Water Tower Statues
Louisville, KY

Low Memorial Library
Columbia University, New York, NY

Lunt-Fontanne Theatre
New York, NY

Luzerne County Courthouse
Wilkes-Barre, PA

Luzerne County Courthouse Mosaics
Wilkes-Barre, PA

Lyric Theatre
Birmingham, AL

M & T Bank
Wilmington, DE

Macy's Eagle Base
Philadelphia, PA

Macy's Wanamaker Organ
Philadelphia, PA

Madison Building Atrium Fountain
Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Maine State Capitol
Augusta, ME

Major General Sterling Price Monument
National Cemeteries, Nationwide

Mandarin Oriental Hotel
New York, NY

Manhattan Surrogate’s Court
New York, NY

Marble & Boulder Boats
Big Creek Powerhouse, Fresno County, CA

Marble Balustrade
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

Marble Bust of Alexander
Delbarton School, Morristown, NJ

Marble Capitals
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Marble Collegiate Church
New York, NY

Marble DAR Founders Monument Conservation
Washington, DC

Marble Fountain Cleaning
Rockefeller Estate, Tarrytown, NY

Mare Island Alden Park - Mast Arm
Vallejo, CA

Marine Barracks
Washington, DC

Marine Corps Museum
Quantico, VA

Marine Garden Urns
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

Maritime Heritage Collection
Williamsburg, VA

Marshall Gold Discovery State Historic Park
Coloma, CA

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial
Asheville, NC

Martin Luther King Jr. School
Hartford, CT

Martin Puryear's Bearing Witness
Ronald Reagan Building, Washington, DC

Martin Puryear's Big Bling
New York, NY

Marymoor Park Wooden Sculptures
Redmond, WA

Mask & Wig Club
Philadelphia, PA

Masonry Study At Former U.S. President Residence
Alexandria, VA

Massachusetts State House Dome
Boston, MA

Max Spivak Mosaic
Pfizer, Groton, CT

McCormick House Murals
Wheaton, IL

McKinley Monument
Buffalo, NY

McMillan Filtration Plant Survey
Washington, DC

McMillan Slow Sand Filtration Plant
Washington, DC

Medgar Evers House
Jackson, MS

Mellon Fountain National Gallery Of Art
Washington, DC

Memorial Amphitheater Mortar Analysis
Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA

Memorial Belltower Tablet
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC

Memorial Hall & Sanders Theater
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Warsaw, VA

Mercy Housing Mural Assessment
San Francisco, CA

Mercy Housing Mural Relocation
San Francisco, CA

Metals Inventory & Conservation Study
U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.

Mexican War Monument
Harrisburg, PA

Miami Beach Community Church Assessment
Miami Beach, FL

Miami Beach Community Church Paint Analysis
Miami Beach, FL

Miami Beach Public Art Collection Assessment
Miami Beach , FL

Michaelian Office Building
White Plains, NY

Michigan Central Station
Detroit, MI

Michigan State Capitol
Lansing, MI

Milbank Chapel, Teachers College
Columbia University, New York, NY

Milken Center for Advancing the American Dream
Washington, D.C.

Mill Basin Private Residence
Brooklyn, NY

Milton and Tamar Maltz Performing Arts Center
Cleveland, OH

Minnesota Monument
Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA

Minnesota State Capitol
Saint Paul, MN

Brackenridge Park, San Antonio, TX

Mission Concepción
San Antonio, TX

Mississippi County Courthouse
Blytheville, AR

Missouri Botanical Garden
Saint Louis, MO

Missouri State Capitol
Jefferson City, MO

Mizner Fountain
Palm Beach, FL

Model & Genius of America Sculpture
U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.

Monroe Street Abbey
Phoenix, AZ

Montana State Capitol
Helena, MT

Montefiore Medical Center Children’s Hospital
Bronx, NY

Morgan State University
Baltimore, MD

Mosaic at Texas State Technical College
Waco, TX

Moses Ezekiel Homer Sculpture Conservation
Charlottesville, VA

Mount Baker Theatre
Bellingham, WA

Mount Vernon and Monticello
Alexandria, VA

Mullen Library Bronze Door
Catholic University of America, Washington, DC

Museum of Early Trades & Crafts
Madison, NJ

Museum Of Natural History Gates
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC

Nashville Metropolitan Courthouse
Nashville, TN

Nashville Public Library
Nashville, TN

Nashville Reformed Temple
Nashville, TN

National Academy of Sciences Bronze Doors
Washington, DC

National Academy of Sciences Finishes Investigation
Washington, DC

National Academy of Sciences Wood Doors
Washington, DC

National Air & Space Museum Aircraft
Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center, Chantilly, VA

National Air and Space Museum Murals
Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum, Washington, DC

National Cowgirl Museum & Hall of Fame Mural
Forth Worth, TX

National Law Enforcement Officer's Memorial
Washington, DC

National Museum of African American History & Culture
Smithsonian Museum of African American History, Washington, DC

National Park Seminary
Forest Glen, MD

National World War I Museum and Memorial
Kansas City, MO

National Zoological Park Retainer Wall
Washington, DC

Nebraska State Capitol
Lincoln, NE

Neil Simon Theatre
New York, NY

Neptune Fountain
Thomas Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, Washington, DC

New Amsterdam Theatre
New York, NY

New Hampshire State Capitol
Concord, NH

New Hampshire Supreme Court
Concord, NH

New Jersey State House
Trenton, NJ

New Mexico Museum of Art
Santa Fe, NM

New Mission Theatre
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, San Francisco, CA

New Museum Of Contemporary Art
New York, NY

New Synagogue Palm Beach
Palm Beach, FL

New York City Hall
New York, NY

New York Life Building
New York, NY

New York Public Library Ceilings
New York, NY

New York Public Library Lions
New York Public Library, New York, NY

New York Public Library Marble Statuary
New York, NY

New York Public Library Rose Reading Room
New York Public Library, New York, NY

New York State Appellate Court
New York, NY

New York State Capitol
Albany, NY

Newcomer Hall
Maryland School for the Blind, Baltimore, MD

Newman Center St. Thomas Aquinas
Lincoln, NE

Noble Maritime Collection Writing Room
Staten Island, NY

North & South Stair Metalwork
U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.

North Extension - Senate Wing
U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.

North Extension Pediment Sculpture
U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC

Notre Dame De La Salette Academy
Georgetown, IL

NYPD Times Square Mosaic Restoration
New York, NY

O'Cadiz Sculpture
Cypress College, Cypress, CA

Oak Bluffs Soldiers' Memorial Fountain
Ocean Park, Oak Bluffs, Martha's Vineyard, MA

Oatlands Historic House & Gardens
Leesburg, VA

Oceanus Fountain
Kykuit, The Rockefeller Estate, Tarrytown, NY

Oklahoma State Capitol
Oklahoma City, OK

Old Capitol Building
Iowa City, IA

Old Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis, King of France
St. Louis, MO

Old City Hall
Richmond, VA

Old DC Courthouse
Washington, DC

Old Governor's Mansion
Milledgeville, GA

Old McHenry County Courthouse
Woodstock, IL

Old Post Office Building
Washington, DC

Old Tiffany Building
New York, NY

Old Washington County Courthouse
Stillwater, MN

Olmsted Fountains
U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC

Onondaga County Courthouse
Syracuse, NY

Onondaga War Memorial Murals Conservation
Syracuse, NY

Oregon State Capitol
Salem, OR

Orton Hall Extension Envelope Assessment
Columbus, OH

Our Lady of Lourdes
Pittsburgh, KS

Our Lady Of The Most Holy Trinity Chapel
Santa Paula, CA

Painted Canvas Mural
Duke Ellington School of Performing Arts, Washington, DC

Palace Theatre At TSX Broadway
New York, NY

Palace Theatre, Stamford
Stamford, CT

Palazzo Hotel
Las Vegas, NV

Palm Beach Town Hall Square Fountain
Palm Beach, FL

Paluxy River Dinosaur Tracks
Texas Memorial Museum, Austin, TX

Pan Am Airways Globe
Miami Science Museum, Miami, FL

Pan of Rohallion Sculpture
Thomas Jefferson Building, Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Paramount Theatre at Emerson College
Boston, MA

Park Avenue Armory - Board of Officers Room
New York, NY

Park Avenue Armory - Company Rooms D & E
New York NY

Park Avenue Armory Veterans Room
New York, NY

Parkway Theatre
Baltimore, MD

Paul Manship's Celestial Sphere
Geneva, Switzerland

Paul Peck Alumni Center
Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA

Peacock Columns
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

Penn Station Sign
New York, NY

Pennsylvania Monument
National Cemetery, Salisbury, NC

Pennsylvania State Capitol
Harrisburg, PA

Pennsylvania Station "Night" Sculpture
Brooklyn Museum of Art, Brooklyn, NY

Perez Art Museum Maintenance
Miami, FL

Pergola Dome Restoration
The John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL

Perisphere & Trylon Artifacts Models
Wolfsonian Museum, Miami Beach, FL

Permanent Mission of Serbia
New York, NY

Philadelphia Academy of Music
Philadelphia, PA

Philip Johnson's Glass House
New Canaan, CT

Picasso's La Corrida Ceramic Plates
Washington, DC & Summit, NJ

Pierre Bourdelle Murals
Museum Center, Cincinnati, OH

Pietro Tacca Fountain
Washington, DC

Pilgrim Sculpture
New York, NY

Pirate Ship Whydah
Cape Cod, MA

Planet Word Museum
Washington, DC

Plantation Agriculture Museum
Scott, AR

Planting Fields Tea House
Oyster Bay, NY

Plaza Hotel Royal Suite
New York, NY

Polk County Courthouse
Des Moines, IA

Port St. Lucie Public Art Assessment
Port St. Lucie, FL

Postal Square Building
Washington, DC

Postal Square Building Torcheries
Washington, DC

President Harding’s Front Porch
Marion, OH

President's Park Fountain
Washington, DC

President's Room Domed Plaster Ceiling
U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC

Presidential Pens & Documents
United States Forest Service, Washington, DC

Preston Gardens Park
Preston Gardens, Baltimore, MD

Prince Of Peace
Kearney, NE

Private Club Main Dining Room Ceiling
New York, NY

Proctors Theatre
Schenectady, NY

PSSC Ship Copper Weathervane
Mutual Life Insurance Building, Philadelphia, PA

Puerto Rico Capitol Medical Arts Building
San Juan, PR

Puerto Rico El Capitolio
San Juan, PR

Queens Plaza Park (Sven) Lobby
Queens, NY

Radio City Music Hall Murals
New York, NY

Rainbow Room & SixtyFive
Rockefeller Center, New York, NY

Rappahannock County Confederate Monument
Rappanhannock County Courthouse, Washington, VA

Reception Mural—Macao
Macao, China

Redstone Castle
Redstone, CO

Renaissance Wellhead
Asheville, NC

Retha Walden Gambaro's Sculpture
New Oxford, PA

Reverend William Scott Southgate Memorial Fountain
Annapolis, MD

Richard Haas Murals

Richard Rodgers Theatre
New York, NY

Ringling Museum of Art - Ca' d'Zan
John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL

Ringling Museum of Art Historic Lanterns Treatment
The John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL

Ringling Museum of Art Service Gates
John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL

Riverside Church
New York, NY

RMS Carpathia Objects
District Heights, MD

RMS Titanic Big Piece
Atlanta, GA

RMS Titanic Cast Iron Table Base
Atlanta, GA

RMS Titanic D-Deck Door
Atlanta, GA

RMS Titanic Davit Base and Arm
Atlanta, GA

RMS Titanic Eccentric Strap
Atlanta, GA

RMS Titanic Objects
District Heights, MD

RMS Titanic Officers Quarter Window
Atlanta, GA

RMS Titanic Water Boiler and Milk Scalder
Atlanta, GA

Rocket, Missile Stands & Launchers
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Suitland, MD

Roman Altar & Lombardic Columns
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

Roper Theater
Norfolk, VA

Rose Garden Fountain
Kykuit, The Rockefeller Estate, Tarrytown, NY

Ross Administrative Center
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum , Washington, DC

Roswell P. Flower Monument
Historic District, Watertown, NY

Rotunda Hearth
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Rough Point Solarium
Newport, RI

Roy Leadbeater, Mannequins Treatment
Calgary, AB Canada

Rubens Gallery
John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL

Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC

Russian Lounge
Kennedy Center, Washington, DC

Rye Meeting House
Rye, New York

Rylander Theatre
Americus, GA

Saban Theatre
Beverly Hills, CA

Sacramento Valley Station
Sacramento, CA

Sacred Heart
Colwich, KS

Saenger Theatre
New Orleans, LA

Sailors' Snug Harbor
Staten Island, NY

Saint Dominic Statue
Dominican House of Studies, Washington, DC

Saks Fifth Avenue

Salem Justice Statue
Cascade County Courthouse, Great Falls, MT

Samuel J. Friedman Theatre
New York, NY

Sandusky State Theatre
Sandusky, OH

Santa Ana Howitzers
Santa Ana, CA

Santa Barbara County Courthouse Main Arch Cleaning
Santa Barbara, CA

Santa Barbara County Courthouse Murals
Santa Barbara, CA

Saturn 1B Restoration
Kennedy Space Center, Merritt Island, FL

Saturn V Display Conservation
Kennedy Space Center, Titusville, FL

Saturn V Rocket
Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX

Saturn V Rocket Assessment
Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX

Saturn V Rocket Conservation & Display
U.S. Space and Rocket Center, Huntsville, AL

Saturn V Rocket Display
Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX

Sculpture of Mars
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

Seaboard Building & Trainshed
Richmond Main Street Station, Richmond, VA

Seattle Asian Art Museum
Seattle, WA

Seattle Union Station
Seattle, WA

Senate Majority Leader’s Office
U.S. Capitol Building, Washington, DC

Seong Moy Mosaic
New York, NY

Seven Dolors Church
Manhattan, KS

Severance Hall
Cleveland, OH

Shea’s Performing Arts Center
Buffalo, NY

Sherman Memorial
Grand Army Plaza, New York, NY

Shinola Hotel Evening Bar
Detroit, MI

Shipboard Radar
National Electronics Museum, Linthicum, MD

Shubert & Booth Theatre Sgraffito
New York, NY

Silver Theater
Silver Spring, MD

Skylab Test Module
US Space and Rocket Center, Huntsville, AL

Smithsonian Castle Garden
Washington, DC

Smithsonian Institution Arts & Industries Building
Washington, DC

Smithsonian Institution Building
Washington, DC

Solar III Sculpture
Gallup Gardens, Littleton, CO

Soldier at Picket Restoration
Saratoga Springs, NY

Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Arch
Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn, NY

Soldiers & Sailors Monument
Historic District, Watertown, NY

Sora Hotel Firehouse
Conshohocken, PA

South Extension - House of Representatives Wing
U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.

South Extension Pediment Sculpture
U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.

Spokane Post Office Mosaic Floor
Spokane, WA

Sportswear Flagship Store
New York, NY

St. Aloysius Catholic Church
Bowling Green, OH

St. Andrew's Catholic Church
Roanoke, VA

St. Anthony's Church
Schenectady, NY

St. Antoine's Garden
Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis, New Orleans, LA

St. Augustine Cathedral
Kalamazoo, MI

St. Augustine Church
Covington, KY

St. Augustine Church Liturgical Furnishings

St. Bart's Preschool
New York, NY

St. Bartholomew
New Brunswick, NJ

St. Catharine's Church
Spring Lake, NJ

St. Cecilia Roman Catholic Church
Rockaway, NJ

St. Cecilia's Cathedral - Decorative Bronze
Omaha, NE

St. Clare of Assisi
Daniel Island, SC

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church
Fort Collins, CO

St. Francis Xavier
New York, NY

St. George Theatre
Staten Island, NY

St. George Theatre, Paint Study
Staten Island, NY

St. Isidore Catholic Student Center
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS

St. James Church Bell
New York, NY

St. James Theatre
New York, NY

St. John the Baptist
Chico, CA

St. John Vianney College Seminary
St. Paul, MN

St. John's Seminary
Brighton, MA

St. Joseph's Co-Cathedral
Brooklyn, NY

St. Joseph's Co-Cathedral Liturgical Furnishings
Brooklyn, NY

St. Mary's Catholic Center, College Station
College Station, TX

St. Mary's Church, Aspen
Aspen, CO

St. Mary's Church, David City
David City, NE

St. Mary's German Village
Columbus, OH

St. Mary's Grave Markers & Monuments
St. Mary's Parish, Charleston, SC

St. Mary's Parish Iron & Marble Portico
Charleston, SC

St. Mary's Ukrainian Church
Carteret, NJ

St. Mary’s Hall
Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA

St. Mel's
Queens, NY

St. Patrick Catholic Parish
Brighton, MI

St. Patrick Parish
Grass Valley, CA

St. Paul the Apostle
Westerville, OH

St. Paul's Chapel
New York, NY

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Exterior Masonry & Bronze Conservation
Winston-Salem, NC

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Interior Stone Conservation
Winston-Salem, NC

St. Paul’s Chapel and University Student Center
Madison, WI

St. Peter the Apostle
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

St. Peter's Church Gilded Cross
New York, NY

St. Peter’s Catholic Church
Mansfield, OH

St. Peter’s Church
San Francisco, CA

St. Pius X Parish
Granger, IN

St. Regis Bar Mural—Macao
Macao, China

St. Thomas Altar
Washington, DC

St. Thomas Church Fifth Avenue, Our Lady Chapel
New York, NY

St. Thomas More University Parish & Student Center
Norman, OK

St. Turibius Chapel at the Pontifical College Josephinum
Columbus, OH

St. Vincent de Paul
Germantown, PA

St. Vincent de Paul, Last Supper Mural
Omaha, NE

St. Vincent Martyr
Madison, NJ

St. Wenceslaus Sanctuary Mural
Wahoo, NE

Stamp Mill
Empire State Historic Park, Grass Valley, CA

State Office Building Mosaic
New Orleans, LA

Statuary Walk Columns
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

Statuary Walk Sculptures
Vizcaya Museum And Gardens

Statue of Liberty Replica
Brooklyn Museum of Art, Brooklyn, NY

Steel Hedgehog Beach Obstacle
National Museum of the U.S. Army, Fort Belvoir, VA

Stephen Glassman's Flows Two Ways
New York, NY

Sterling Library
Yale University, New Haven, CT

Sterne Memorial Fountain
Littleton, CO

Stewart Memorial
Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY

Stone & Metal Maintenance Manual
U.S. Capitol Building, Washington, DC

Sts. Anne & Joachim Catholic Church
Fargo, ND

Subway Tile Conservation At Times Square
New York, NY

Supreme Court Fountain Assessment
Washington, DC

Sutri Fountain
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

Sutri Fountain & Garden Sculptures
Vizcaya Museum & Gardens, Miami, FL

Swanson Gallery
The Durham Museum, Omaha, NE

Swimming Pool Grotto Protection
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

Swiss Embassy Sculptures
Washington, DC

Syracuse Soldiers & Sailors Monument
Clinton Square, Syracuse, NY

Tacoma Pantages Theatre
Tacoma, WA

Taft Bridge Lamposts
Washington, D.C.

Talbot Avenue Bridge
Silver Springs, MD

Tampa Theatre
Tampa, FL

Tampa Theatre Auditorium Paint Study
Tampa, FL

Tang Dynasty Ceramic Camel
Washington, DC

Temple Bell
Washington, DC

Temple Emanu-El
New York, NY

Tennessee Memorial Arch
National Cemetery, Chattanooga, TN

Tennessee Theatre
Knoxville, TN

Terra Cotta Sculptures
Biltmore Estate, Asheville, NC

The Bob Hope (Fox) Theatre
Stockton, CA

The Booth Room At The Players Club
New York, NY

The Breakers Hotel Fountain
Palm Beach, FL

The Cathedral of Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Oklahoma City, OK

The Cosmopolitan Club Library
New York, NY

The Great God Pan
Columbia University, New York, NY

The Historic West Bend Theatre
West Bend, WI

The Lyric Theatre, New York City
New York, NY

The National Cowgirl Museum & Hall of Fame Mosaic
Fort Worth, TX

The Old Post Office Pavilion
Washington, DC

The Olympia Theatre
Miami, FL

The Orange Show
Houston, TX

The Plaza Hotel & Residences
New York, NY

The Plaza Theater
El Paso, TX

The Portsmouth Music Hall
Portsmouth, NH

The Salon Doré
The Legion of Honor Museum, San Francisco, CA

The Sherry-Netherland
New York, NY

The Spirit Of The Fighting Yank Sculpture
Belmont Middle School, Belmont, NC

The Stanley Theatre
Utica, NY

Theodore Roosevelt Rotunda Murals
American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY

Thomas Edison National Historical Park
West Orange, NJ

Thomas Jefferson Monument
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Thomas Jefferson Sculpture
Columbia University, New York, NY

Thomaston Opera House
Thomaston, CT

Thompson Headstone
San Francisco National Cemetery

Three Fernando Botero Bronze Sculptures
Saint Petersburg Museum of Art, Saint Petersburg, FL

Thurgood Marshall U.S. Courthouse
New York, NY

Ticketing Concourse
Union Station, Los Angeles, CA

Tiffany Mosaic Fireplace
Morse Museum of American Art, Winter Park, FL

Tiffany's Daffodil Terrace & Fireplace
Morse Museum of American Art, Winter Park, FL

Times Square Church
New York, NY

Tinker’s Swiss Cottage Museum
Rockford, IL

Tony Smith's Cigarette Sculpture
Tarrytown, NY

Tony Smith's She Who Must Be Obeyed Sculpture
Frances Perkins Building, Washington, DC

Trinity Church Wall Street
New York, NY

Trinity Church Wall Street Cemetery, Hamilton Monuments
New York, NY

Tripoli Monument
United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD

Tudor Place Historic House
Washington, DC

U.S. Air Force Memorial
Arlington, VA

U.S. Capitol Dome
Washington, D.C.

U.S. Department of Commerce Building
Washington, DC

U.S. Department of Justice Building Doors
Washington, DC

U.S. Department of Justice Iron Gates
Washington, DC

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
Washington, DC

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Limestone
Washington, DC

U.S. Marine Guard Monument
National Cemeteries, Nationwide

U.S. Naval Academy Chapel
Annapolis, MD

U.S. Public Health Service Building
Washington, DC

U.S. Supreme Court
Washington, DC

UCLA Nimoy Theatre
Los Angeles, CA

Ulysses S. Grant Memorial
National Mall, Washington, DC

Union Soldiers Monument
National Cemetery, Knoxville, TN

Union Square Metronome
New York, NY

Unitarian South Church
Nantucket, MA

United Nations Building
New York, NY

United Palace
New York, NY

United States Naval Academy
Annapolis, MD

Unity Temple
Oak Park, IL

University of Michigan Ruthven Hall Bronze Doors
Ann Arbor, MI

University Of Virginia Campus Art
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

University of Virginia Cemetery
Charlottesville, VA

University of Virginia Rotunda
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

UNT Dallas College of Law Building
University of North Texas, Dallas, TX

Urban Trail Monument
Pack Square, Asheville, NC

Urn Fountain
Kykuit, Rockefeller Estate, Tarrytown, NY

USC University Park Sculptures
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

Annapolis, MD

USS Balao Submarine
Washington Navy Yard, Washington, DC

Utah State Capitol
Salt Lake City, UT

Valley Forge Paint Analysis
Valley Forge, PA

Vanguard II and Vanguard III Satellites
Greenbelt, MD

Venango County Civil War Memorial
Franklin, PA

Venetian Resort Hotel Casino
Las Vegas, NV

Venetian Wellhead Relocation
Columbia University, New York, NY

Venus de' Medici Sculpture
John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL

Venus Statue
Washington, DC

Verizon Barclay-Vesey Building
New York, NY

Vermont State Capitol
Montpelier, VT

Veteran Memorials & Monuments
National Cemeteries, Nationwide

Vicenza Sculpture
Delbarton School, Morristown, NJ

Victory Theatre Mural Conservation
Holyoke, MA

Victory Theatre Paint Study
Holyoke, MA

Vietnam Veteran's Memorial
Water Street Park, New York, NY

Village East Cinema
New York, NY

Virginia Holocaust Museum
Richmond, VA

Virginia Mae Center
Washington National Cathedral, Washington, D.C.

Virginia State Capitol
Richmond, VA

Virginia Theatre
Champaign, IL

Visitation Catholic Church
Kansas City, MO

Waldorf Astoria Orlando
Orlando, FL

War & Peace Sculpture Replicas
U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC

Warner Theatre, Erie
Erie, PA

Warner Theatre, Torrington
Torrington, CT

Washington Navy Yard Commandant's House
Washington, DC

Washington Square Arch
New York, NY

Weill Café
Carnegie Hall, New York, NY

Welch Hall Exterior Bronze Study
Rockefeller University, New York, NY

Welch Hall Wood Restoration
Rockefeller University, New York, NY

West Courtyard Fountain Conservation
Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL

West End Corridor Ceiling Panels
The Durham Museum, Omaha, NE

West Point Grant Barracks
West Point, NY

West Virginia Capitol Dome
Charleston, WV

West Virginia State Capitol
Charleston, WV

West Virginia State Capitol Sculptures
Charleston, WV

Westward Expansion Murals
U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.

White Island Lighthouse
White Island, NH

Whooping Crane Sculpture
National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC

Wilshire Boulevard Temple
Los Angeles, CA

Winder Building
Washington, DC

Winged Victory Sculpture
Washington State Capitol, Olympia, WA

Winold Reiss Mosaics
Museum Center, Cincinnati, OH

Winter Garden Theatre
New York, NY

World War II Memorial
Washington State Capitol, Olympia, WA

Wyoming State Capitol
Cheyenne, WY

Ximenez-Fatio House Museum
St. Augustine, FL

Yale Club of New York City, Tap Room
New York, NY

Yale Dwight Hall Chapel
Yale University, New Haven, CT

Zinc Justice & Liberty Statues
Goldsboro, NC

Zinc Lion Sculptures
National Park Seminary, Forest Glen, MD

Zinc Soldiers' Monument
Lowville, NY

Zinc Statues Restoration
Middlesburg, VA