OSHA Safe + Sound Week

Employee safety is EverGreene’s utmost priority.
We proudly participate in OSHA’s Safe + Sound Week.

The Safe + Sound campaign, held each August, promotes safety programs, and shares information on how to protect America’s workers. As our industry requires our employees to perform physical labor, it is our responsibility to establish a systematic approach to avoiding hazards. Our procedures allow us to anticipate workplace risks before they happen. This proactive process helps minimize injury, ensuring employees’ health and productivity.

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) Requirements
Our Social Media campaign this week will focus on PPE, where we will be sharing video and specifics on how to keep injury and illness-free!

All EverGreene employees must have standard PPE to ensure the safety and health of our workers. We provide each employee all  listed PPE, with the exception of steel-toed boots and clothing. This includes:

  • Hard Hat
  • Safety Glasses
  • ANSI Class 2 Safety Vest
  • ANSI Class 2 Cut-Resistant Gloves
  • N95 Masks (if unvaccinated or if required dependent on site)
  • Proper Footwear 
  • Shirts with Sleeves at Least 4” 
  • Long pants

Stay safe out there—every week of the year!

Conservator Tucker Simmons provides useful information about hard hats.