Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace
The Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, originally dedicated in 1843, is a historic gem in downtown Honolulu. Over time the Our Lady of Peace has undergone several renovations, including repainting and the addition and removal of artwork and liturgical elements. At the dawn of the twenty-first century the interior elements of the nineteenth century cathedral had fallen out of relationship with each other. In recognition of the Cathedral’s newly conferred Basilica status the diocese undertook a long-term effort to create a more harmonious liturgical artistry program within the building. Working closely with Bishop Silva, Brother William Woeger, Mason Architects, and RDG, EverGreene designed a phased renewal program guided by the architecture of the building and the historic artwork seen in photographs and uncovered in our historic finishes investigation.
The renewal included preparation of the historic surfaces, reinstatement of lost decorative finishes and the design and creation of two new murals: Father Damien of Molokai and St. Marianne Cope. The saints were natives of Belgium and Germany respectively, but are best known for their care of lepers of Kalaupapa colony on Molokai. Each saint is depicted as they would have looked in 1889, at the time of St. Damien’s death (49), St. Marianne (51). The portraits of the saints now grace the sanctuary altar wall, replacing symbols that were out of scale with the adjacent architecture. The altar wall and sanctuary columns received decorative finishes including stenciling, glazing, marbelizing and trompe l’oeil, and marble altars were cleaned. The renewed sanctuary is harmonious. Future phases will look to reinstate lost artwork on the ceiling and side walls.