Manti Temple Paint Analysis—Private
The Manti Temple was constructed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) in 1888. The site of the temple, located on a promontory overlooking the Sanpete Valley, was dedicated by Brigham Young on April 25, 1877. The Manti Temple was designed by William Harrison Folsom, and was completed and dedicated in 1888. It is the third temple constructed in Utah, after the St. George and Logan Temples and preceded the Salt Lake Temple, which was completed in 1893.
Various renovations to the Manti Temple took place in the early and mid 20th century, mainly involving the site and landscaping. In 1971 the Temple was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. A four-year remodeling campaign began in 1981, which updated various interior spaces, including the Baptistry. Currently, the LDS Church is planning repairs and improvements to several of the early “pioneer temples,” which will likely include the Manti Temple.
EverGreene Architectural Arts, Inc. (EAA) was retained by CRSA to complete a finishes investigation of Manti Temple, located at 200 East 510 North in Manti, Utah. The purpose of the historic finishes investigation was to document interior historic color palettes and decorative finish schemes. The results of the finishes investigation indicate that original paint remains beneath existing overpaint, including what appear to be distemper paints and localized color glazing. The investigation also confirms archival evidence for the presence of stenciling, trompe l’oeil and faux wood graining finishes at selected substrates.