Following a conservation treatment that spanned over two years, the Victory Theatre’s WPA Murals are on their way back to Holyoke. The two Vincent Maragliotti murals underwent conservation treatment at EverGreene’s Brooklyn Studio since early 2023 which included mold remediation, facing removal, and initial paint stabilization. Each mural was carefully cleaned and the aged varnish removed to reveal imagery and the original color schemes. As a final step, the conservation team completed selective inpainting of lost and deteriorated paint. The murals are in temporary storage as the theater continues their rehabilitation program. In 2023, a restored section of the Victory mural was on display iat Holyoke’s Wistariahurst Museum. The exhibition was part of MIFA’s contribution to Holyoke’s 150th Anniversary Celebration.

Vincent Maragliotti (1888-1978), noted Italian New York artist of Maragliotti Studios, Grand Central Terminal Building, was hired to supervise the decorative treatment of the Victory Theatre’s interior after the January 26, 1942 fire.
The two murals he painted are an integral historical part of the proscenium and the Victory’s stage surround. Maragliotti described the displayed mural lunette as:
The left panel, “Victory. Man has broken his bonds and has been made free by the spirit of justice. Lucifer is banished into oblivion. Peace has brought her blessings and Liberty once more reigns. The blessings of Liberty, Peace and Justice are again bestowed upon humanity.” – Holyoke Transcript-Telegram, Aug. 13, 1942

The right panel, “Depicts War and was inspired by the biblical story of Lucifer, cast out of heaven, venting his vengeance and evil upon mankind. It suggests that the horrible turmoil of the present-day throughout the world marks the approach of the climax, which can result only in either complete victory or complete defeat.” – Holyoke Transcript-Telegram, Aug. 13, 1942
For additional information about supporting the online Massachusetts International Festival of the Arts preservation efforts, please visit: (MIFA) Victory Theatre. The MIFA Victory Theatre Mural Restoration Project is being funded in part by the Citizens of Holyoke, MA through the Community Preservation Act.