St. Joseph's Sanctuary

Crescent Springs, KY

All things are redeemable! EverGreene was honored to collaborate with K4 Architecture & Design to renew and beautify the sanctuary of St. Joseph’s Church. The goal was to create a space that more fully embodies the sacredness of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and fosters devotion to St. Joseph through meaningful imagery and design.

Our first step in the process was a comprehensive liturgical artistry program and architectural consultation. Our design team proposed a traditional reconfiguration of the altar and predella, along with the design of new liturgical furnishings, decorative finishes, and a mural cycle inspired by Giotto’s Scrovegni Chapel. This cycle presents theologically rich pairings of significant events in the life of St. Joseph:

  • The Annunciation & Joseph’s instruction by the angel not to fear taking Mary into his home
  • The Nativity of our Lord & the death of St. Joseph
  • The Flight into Egypt & the return to Galilee
  • St. Joseph the Worker & St. Joseph the Worshiper
  • The Presentation & Finding at the Temple

The renewal of St. Joseph’s Church prioritized visual harmony and architectural integrity, ensuring a clear view from the primary nave. Inspired by the church’s patron saint, the new artwork centers attention on the altar and enhances the sense of sacred procession. Faux marble panels, executed in the traditional styles of pietra dura and intarsia, frame the murals and recall the craftsmanship of the Scrovegni Chapel. Behind the crucifix, a meticulously designed baldachin diaper pattern—featuring Christograms, carpenter’s squares, and lilies—symbolically connects the artwork to St. Joseph’s role as both protector and craftsman.

Our artists meticulously hand-painted the murals on canvas, with installation scheduled for May 2025. The completed project will offer a cohesive and inspiring environment that honors the legacy of St. Joseph while enriching the liturgical experience for the parish community