Old Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis, King of France
Known in St. Louis as the Old Cathedral, The Basilica of St. Louis, King of France (Laveille & Morton, 1835) is a National Historic Landmark, framed by the city’s iconic arch.
Over the course of 175 years, the Old Cathedral was repeatedly repainted and renovated, not always for the better. In 2013 the palette was icy. EverGreene’s research and initial paint study detected five significant decorative campaigns and uncovered considerable plaster deterioration.
Working in collaboration with the Cathedral team and Mackey Mitchell Architects, a decorative program dating to the 1890’s was selected as the target period for the restoration. The historic was documented and the color palette adjusted for current lighting conditions.
To accommodate a tight schedule and budget, EverGreene recreated the trompe l’oeil ceiling ornament on canvas in the studio. Finished panels were installed and hand-finished in place.