History & Restoration Of The Grand Central Air Terminal

Jeff Greene Founder & Chairman
Presentation & Panel Discussion
Saturday, May 4 | 1–3 pm
Grand Central Air Terminal, Glendale, CA

We are honored to be invited by the Art Deco Society of Los Angeles to participate in the presentation and panel discussion about the history and restoration of the Glendale Grand Central Air Terminal. Historian Steve Spiegel who designed the museum exhibit housed in the building, architect John Berley who oversaw Disney’s restoration, along with Jeff Greene, Founder & Chairman of EverGreene Architectural Arts will highlight the history of early commercial air travel at the airport and provide insights related to its recent restoration.

Designed by architect Henry L. Gogerty and a masterful representation of Art Deco architecture, the airport was the backdrop of many period movies, including Howard Hughes’ Hells Angels and David Butlers’ Bright Eyes featuring Shirley Temple, but it is also famous for being aviator Amelia Earhart’s home airport.

Following the presentation and panel discussion, the small museum exhibit will be open for an additional 30 minutes for those who don’t have a chance to see it prior to the presentation.