CA Science Center Douglas DC-3-G202A

Los Angeles, CA

Since 1935, the Douglas DC-3 has been considered the most successful airliner in the formative years of air transportation. It was also the first to fly profitably without a government subsidy. Over 13,000 DC-3s were built within U.S. territory and beyond for both civil and military purposes. Many of them are still serving today.

In 2019, EverGreene was engaged by the California Science Center Foundation to perform a condition assessment of the Douglas DC-3 on outdoor display at the Flight Path Museum in Los Angeles, California. EverGreene conservators evaluated the condition of exterior and interior elements of the aircraft, and documented deterioration through visual and tactile examination, as well as through infrared imaging.

Our conservators carried out coating adhesion tests, in addition to chemical tests to determine the type and amount of destructive salts on the aircraft’s surfaces. Based on our findings, we developed recommendations and cost estimates for temporary repairs and stabilization, full conservation treatment and restoration, and ongoing maintenance.