Shinola Hotel Evening Bar
The Evening Bar is a comfortable, classic hotel bar located within the Shinola Hotel in Detroit. The space, designed by Gachot Studios, is discreetly tucked beyond the hotel’s lobby area to create an intimate enclave. Low-slung seating and soft lighting mix with fine furniture configured for intimacy and comfortability.
EverGreene was contracted by Barton Malow to create the Evening Bar’s verre églomisé Bar Mirror and Gilded Moongold ceiling. Verre églomisé is a French term referring to the process of applying both a design (in this case stenciling) and gilding onto the rear face of glass to produce a mirror finish. The verre églomisé application to glass panel was completed in EverGreene’s Brooklyn based Specialty Finishes Studio and shipped directly to the Shinola Hotel in Detroit were it was installed onsite.