St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Interior Stone Conservation

Winston-Salem, NC

The current building at 520 Summit Street was designed in the Gothic Revivals style by renowned church architect Ralph Adams Cram of Boston, the church was completed with the assistance of local associated architect Harold Macklin in 1929. Set at one of the highest points in the city, this monumental structure was constructed using Massachusetts Plymouth seam-face granite masonry with trim elements made from Ohio Briar Hill sandstone.

The interior is richly adorned with carved wood, massive sandstone columns and arcades, stone flooring, and more than 80 stained-glass windows. The church was expanded in 1957 and 2005 to its current configuration, which includes an education building, chapel, and connecting arcade. In 1986 the church building was listed as a contributor to the West End National Historic District. The building itself was also listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 2010.

EverGreene engagement had two objectives. One, to test remedial treatments of selected original interior stone to identify appropriate repairs and treatments for long-term preservation. And second, to conduct a historic finishes investigation to identify original colors used in on the original interior architectural finishes.

Our team collaborated with The Christman Company to use the treatment test results on the interior sandstone stone to develop and implement a cleaning program for several stone features. These included the narthex windows and arches, the vestibule arches, the nave windows, arches, columns, rose window, and string course, and the chancel and altar rose window.