Metals Inventory & Conservation Study

U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.

EverGreene was contracted by the Architect of the Capitol to design and implement an inventory for exterior architectural and ornamental metals with general conditions assessments, recommendations and maintenance recommendations. Our conservators developed a tablet-based survey method to to expedite the survey process, ensure consistency, and document the conditions of exterior architectural and ornamental metals on the U.S. Capitol Campus.

The inventory was created in multiple phases starting with the Capitol Building, and Capitol Campus; it continued with the House and Senate Building Wings. The metal objects (grilles, doors, windows, railings, fountains, lighting, etc.) were inventoried and geo-tagged into a database once reviewed and itemized by a standardized approach according to metal type, condition, and surface coating type. A list of metals, conditions and treatment recommendations was included to assist site managers in tracking and maintaining the metal elements on their buildings and grounds.