Digitally printed reproductions of historic wallpapers offer a cost-effective solution to traditional methods. Design programs effectively recreate and color correct historic patterns from wallpaper fragments or photographs which are then printed onto rolls of paper. This process is even easier for a pattern that survives in a partial roll of wallpaper, as the digital image will need few if any corrections. To overcome the limitations of digital printing, such as the inability to print metallic colors, traditional techniques are often applied on top of the digitally print to complete the process.
Digital Printing
From ancient Roman to contemporary, our collaborative team of artists and artisans can realize any vision or style.
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Decorative Finishes
Championing traditional and modern techniques, we revive and enhance interior spaces with historic and new designs.
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Murals & Mosaics
We have designed, recreated, and restored large format murals and architectural art for over 40 years.
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Conservation Treatments
Extend the existence of a building, object, or work of art with customized conservation treatments.
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Digital Printing For Historic Restorations
Decorative wall coverings for the First National Center in Oklahoma City were created and digitally printed at our design studio in Brooklyn, NY.
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Restoring Your Historic House
Machine-printed wallpapers were developed in the
mid nineteenth century using printers with multiple
rollers to print different colors.
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