Ballantine House Condition Assessment

Newark, NJ

The Ballantine House was built in 1885 for the owners of the P. Ballantine and Sons Brewing Company, one of the wealthiest families in Newark, NJ at the time. The 27-room home became a National Historic Landmark in 1985  and has been part of the Newark Museum of Art ever since. The interior bears witness to extraordinary craftsmanship, featuring opulently decorations in traditional materials including plaster, wood, Lincrusta wallcoverings, metal, stone and ceramic tile.

In desperate need of stabilization and repair, a comprehensive condition assessment of the interior architectural features provided the foundation for an extensive period-accurate restoration. The survey report comprised of a detailed photo documentation and the results of plaster sounding, cleaning tests, wood finish repair mockups, and microscopic testing and analysis. It guided the prioritization of a phased restoration approach.