Preserving America's Library Landmarks

As we celebrate National Library Week, we recognize the vital role libraries continue to play as cornerstones of communities and repositories of knowledge. While housing countless volumes of literature and historical documents libraries are often also architectural treasures, telling the stories of our cultural heritage. The preservation of these magnificent buildings ensures that future generations can continue to experience the grandeur and inspiration that have motivated scholars, researchers, and readers for generations.

EverGreene has been at the forefront of preserving America’s most significant libraries, bringing their extensive restoration expertise to iconic institutions across the country. From the ornate ceiling decorations of the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore to the intricate plasterwork of the Rose Main Reading Room to art conservation at the New York Public Library, EverGreene’s portfolio showcases their commitment to maintaining the architectural integrity and artistic beauty of these iconic landmarks. A meticulous approach combines traditional craftsmanship with modern conservation techniques, ensuring that these beloved spaces retain their historic character while meeting contemporary preservation standards.