Student Chapels

Bishop Dwenger High School Chapel
Fort Wayne, IN

Blessed Stanley Rother Shrine Chapel
Oklahoma City, OK

Immaculate Conception Chapel
South Orange, NJ

Milbank Chapel, Teachers College
Columbia University, New York, NY

Newman Center St. Thomas Aquinas
Lincoln, NE

Notre Dame De La Salette Academy
Georgetown, IL

Our Lady Of The Most Holy Trinity Chapel
Santa Paula, CA

St. Isidore Catholic Student Center
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS

St. John Vianney College Seminary
St. Paul, MN

St. John's Seminary
Brighton, MA

St. Mary's Catholic Center, College Station
College Station, TX

St. Paul’s Chapel and University Student Center
Madison, WI

St. Peter the Apostle
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ

St. Thomas More University Parish & Student Center
Norman, OK

St. Turibius Chapel at the Pontifical College Josephinum
Columbus, OH