reIMAGINE: Creating New Uses For Old Buildings

May 7–August 29, 2024
District Architecture, 421 7th Street NW, Washington, D.C.
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday: 11 am–3 pm

We are excited about the inclusion of Planet Word Museum, the former historic Franklin School, in the AIA|DC exhibit reIMAGINE. This exhibition fetures 19 buildings in the Washington area that architects have recently reimagined, bringing new life to structures that might otherwise have been doomed to disuse, decay, and ultimately the wrecking ball.

Adaptive reuse is a cornerstone of the design and building industry. According to the AIA Firm Survey Report 2022, renovations of existing buildings accounted for 46% of architecture firms’ billings in 2021. The global consulting firm Deloitte has estimated that upwards of 90% of real estate development may be focused on renovation and adaptive reuse in the near future.

EverGreene completed the award-winning work at Planet Word Museum in 2020 in collaboration with Beyer Blinder Belle Architects, The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company, and Silman Structural Engineers. Click here to learn more about this project.