
Alameda Theater San Antonio
San Antonio, TX

Applied Physics Missiles
Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, MD

Atlantis Space Shuttle
Kennedy Space Center, FL

Calgary Public Art Collections
Calgary, AB, Canada

Carnes Playhouse
Arkansas Post Museum, Gillett, AR

Corona Satellite Spy Camera
Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, Washington, DC

Gabriel Loire Windows
National Young Arts Foundation, Miami, FL

Jacksonville Public Art Assessment
Jacksonville, FL

Jacksonville Public Art Conservation
Jacksonville, FL

KSC F-1 Engine Prototype
Kennedy Space Center, FL

Maritime Heritage Collection
Williamsburg, VA

RMS Carpathia Objects
District Heights, MD

RMS Titanic Objects
District Heights, MD

RMS Titanic Officers Quarter Window
Atlanta, GA

Saturn V Rocket
Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX

Saturn V Rocket Assessment
Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX

Saturn V Rocket Conservation & Display
U.S. Space and Rocket Center, Huntsville, AL

Saturn V Rocket Display
Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX

Skylab Test Module
US Space and Rocket Center, Huntsville, AL

The Orange Show
Houston, TX

Virginia Holocaust Museum
Richmond, VA

Whooping Crane Sculpture
National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC