
40 Years Of Restoring The U.S. Capitol

Applications Of Large-Scale Chemical Consolidations

Eighty Years of Failed Preservation Efforts

Fountain Conservation In Tropical Climates

Historic Preservation At Columbia University

Marble Conservation

Modernizing Without Compromising History

Preservation of Museum Buildings & Collections

Restoring A National Treasure With A Light Touch

Unique Approaches to Stone Conservation

Alabaster Sconces
Falls Church, VA

Albany County Courthouse
Albany, NY

Architectural Elements
Vizcaya Museum & Gardens, Miami, FL

Arlington National Cemetery Monuments
Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA

Art Restoration At Kingsborough Houses
Brooklyn, NY

Attilio Piccirilli's James Monroe Statue
James Monroe's home "Highland", Charlottesville, VA

Bailey Fountain
Grand Army Plaza, Brooklyn, NY

Balustrade Reset
Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL

Beekman Hotel & Residences
New York, NY

Beverley Mill
Broad Run, VA

Blair–Lee House
Washington, DC

Bok Tower
Lake Wales, FL

Bronx County Courthouse
Bronx, NY

Calgary Public Art Collections
Calgary, AB, Canada

Canal Fountain
Kykuit, The Rockefeller Estate, Tarrytown, NY

Carnegie Library
Washington, DC

Carnegie Library Façade Restoration
Washington, DC

Carrollton School Fountain
Miami, FL

Cathedral Of The Holy Cross
Boston, MA

Christ Church, United Methodist
New York, NY

City Hall Park Fountain
New York, NY

City Of Alexandria Public Art
Alexandria, VA

City Of Asheville Public Art
Asheville, NC

Concrete Tetrahedron Beach Obstacle
National Museum of the U.S. Army, Fort Belvoir, VA

Cooper Hewitt Museum
New York City, NY

Coral Gables City Entrance
Coral Gables, FL

Coral Gables Museum
Coral Gables, FL

Daniel Chester French Granite Sculptures
Brooklyn Museum of Art, Brooklyn, NY

Deer Sculpture Reset
Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL

Defender’s Monument
New Ulm, MN

Delbarton School Tower Study
Morristown, NJ

Dubuffet Sculpture Treatment & Relocation
Kykuit, Rockefeller Estate, Tarrytown, NY

Dumbarton Oaks Fountains
Washington, DC

Einstein Memorial
National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC

Federal Building Limestone Facade Assessment
Washington, D.C.

First National Great Banking Hall
Oklahoma City, OK

Flag Defenders Monument
Bell Rock Park, Malden, MA

Flag House & Star-Spangled Banner Museum
Baltimore, MD

Fleischmann Fountain
Naples, FL

Flower Memorial Library
Watertown, NY

Fort Christian
Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas

Fort Crawford Box Tombs
National Cemeteries, Nationwide

French 18th Century Gilded Lead & Stone Fountain
Washington, DC

Frog Fountain
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

George Barnard Statuary Groups
State Capitol, Harrisburg, PA

Gracie Mansion - Stone Crack Repair
New York, NY

Grand Central Air Terminal
Glendale, CA

Grave Marker Conservation
Trinity Church, New York, NY

Harvard Club New York
New York, NY

Healy Hall - Philodemic Room
Washington, DC

Historic City Entrance Features
Coral Gables, FL

Historic Stone Fireplace Mantels
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY

Historic Tools
Mount Rushmore National Memorial, Black Hills, SD

Holy Family Catholic Church
Latrobe, PA

Hopewell Museum
Paris, KY

Hurricane Damage Remediation
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

Interior Finishes Study
U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC

Jacksonville Public Art Conservation
Jacksonville, FL

James Farley Post Office
New York, NY

Jenny Holzer Art Installation Relocation
Crystal Bridges Museum, Bentonville, AR

Jim Sanborn Sculpture "Pyramids"
Winston-Salem, NC

John J. Earley Fountain
DC Police Memorial, Washington, DC

Julia Ideson Library
Houston, TX

Kaleidoscreen Sculpture
Aspen, CO

Kennedy Center For The Performing Arts
Washington, DC

Lettering Paint Study
Washington, DC

Limestone Gazebo
Washington, DC

Long Wharf Fountain
Cambridge, MD

Luzerne County Courthouse
Wilkes-Barre, PA

Luzerne County Courthouse Mosaics
Wilkes-Barre, PA

M & T Bank
Wilmington, DE

Macy's Wanamaker Organ
Philadelphia, PA

Marble Fountain Cleaning
Rockefeller Estate, Tarrytown, NY

Masonry Study At Former U.S. President Residence
Alexandria, VA

McKinley Monument
Buffalo, NY

McMillan Filtration Plant Survey
Washington, DC

McMillan Slow Sand Filtration Plant
Washington, DC

Warsaw, VA

Mexican War Monument
Harrisburg, PA

Miami Beach Public Art Collection Assessment
Miami Beach , FL

Milbank Chapel, Teachers College
Columbia University, New York, NY

Milton and Tamar Maltz Performing Arts Center
Cleveland, OH

Minnesota Monument
Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA

Brackenridge Park, San Antonio, TX

Mission Concepción
San Antonio, TX

Monroe Street Abbey
Phoenix, AZ

Museum of Early Trades & Crafts
Madison, NJ

National World War I Museum and Memorial
Kansas City, MO

New Jersey State House
Trenton, NJ

New York Public Library Rose Reading Room
New York Public Library, New York, NY

North Extension - Senate Wing
U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.

North Extension Pediment Sculpture
U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC

O'Cadiz Sculpture
Cypress College, Cypress, CA

Oatlands Historic House & Gardens
Leesburg, VA

Oceanus Fountain
Kykuit, The Rockefeller Estate, Tarrytown, NY

Old DC Courthouse
Washington, DC

Old Governor's Mansion
Milledgeville, GA

Old Post Office Building
Washington, DC

Orton Hall Extension Envelope Assessment
Columbus, OH

Pergola Dome Restoration
The John & Mable Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL

Pietro Tacca Fountain
Washington, DC

Pirate Ship Whydah
Cape Cod, MA

Port St. Lucie Public Art Assessment
Port St. Lucie, FL

President Harding’s Front Porch
Marion, OH

President's Park Fountain
Washington, DC

Preston Gardens Park
Preston Gardens, Baltimore, MD

Retha Walden Gambaro's Sculpture
New Oxford, PA

Riverside Church
New York, NY

Rose Garden Fountain
Kykuit, The Rockefeller Estate, Tarrytown, NY

Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC

Saenger Theatre
New Orleans, LA

Sailors' Snug Harbor
Staten Island, NY

Santa Barbara County Courthouse Main Arch Cleaning
Santa Barbara, CA

Sculpture of Mars
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, Miami, FL

Smithsonian Institution Building
Washington, DC

South Extension - House of Representatives Wing
U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.

South Extension Pediment Sculpture
U.S. Capitol, Washington, D.C.

St. Mary’s Hall
Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Exterior Masonry & Bronze Conservation
Winston-Salem, NC

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Interior Stone Conservation
Winston-Salem, NC

St. Paul’s Chapel and University Student Center
Madison, WI

St. Thomas Altar
Washington, DC

Statuary Walk Sculptures
Vizcaya Museum And Gardens

Stewart Memorial
Green-Wood Cemetery, Brooklyn, NY

Stone & Metal Maintenance Manual
U.S. Capitol Building, Washington, DC

Temple Emanu-El
New York, NY

The Great God Pan
Columbia University, New York, NY

The Orange Show
Houston, TX

The Plaza Hotel & Residences
New York, NY

Trinity Church Wall Street
New York, NY

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Limestone
Washington, DC

U.S. Naval Academy Chapel
Annapolis, MD

Ulysses S. Grant Memorial
National Mall, Washington, DC

Venetian Wellhead Relocation
Columbia University, New York, NY

Veteran Memorials & Monuments
National Cemeteries, Nationwide

Virginia State Capitol
Richmond, VA

West Courtyard Fountain Conservation
Ringling Museum of Art, Sarasota, FL

West Virginia State Capitol Sculptures
Charleston, WV

World War II Memorial
Washington State Capitol, Olympia, WA

Ximenez-Fatio House Museum
St. Augustine, FL