Theaters & Entertainment Venues

Theaters & Entertainment Venues

A Sneak Preview Of The Victory Theatre WPA Murals

Atmospheric Theaters

From Broadway Dreams To Reality

From Movie Palace To Place Of Worship

Historic Movie Palaces

Jeff Greene On Trends & Historic Preservation

Modernizing Without Compromising History

Preserving The Fire Curtain

Restoring Painted Stage Curtains

The Victory Theatre WPA Murals Are Returning To Holyoke

Thomas Lamb Theaters

Under The Same Starry Sky

5th Avenue Theater
Seattle, WA

7th Street Theatre - Finishes Investigation
Hoquiam, WA

7th Street Theatre Façade Restoration
Hoquiam, WA

Academy Center of the Arts
Academy Center of the Arts, Lynchburg, VA

Akron Civic Theatre
Akron, OH

Al Hirschfeld Theatre
New York, NY

Al Ringling Theatre
Baraboo, WI

Alabama Theatre
Birmingham, AL

Alameda Theater San Antonio
San Antonio, TX

Alameda Theatre & Cineplex
Alameda, CA

Allen Theatre, Playhouse Square
Cleveland, OH

Altria Theater
Richmond, VA

Asolo Theatre
Sarasota, FL

Auditorium Theatre
Chicago, IL

August Wilson Theatre
New York City, NY

Balboa Theatre
San Diego, CA

Bass Performance Hall
Fort Worth, TX

Belasco Theatre
New York, NY

Belding Theater
Bushnell Performing Arts Center, Hartford, CT

Bethesda Theatre
Bethesda, MD

Boardwalk Hall
Atlantic City Convention Center, Atlantic City, NJ

Boston Opera House
Boston, MA

Brooklyn Tabernacle
Brooklyn, NY

Bucks County Playhouse
New Hope, PA

Buttenwieser Hall
92NY, New York, NY

California Theatre
San Jose, CA

Carpenter Theatre
Richmond, VA

Casa Italiana Theater
Columbia University, New York, NY

Cascade Theatre
Redding, CA

Castro Theatre
San Francisco, CA

Castro Theatre, Study
San Francisco, CA

Centralia Fox Theatre
Centrailia, WA

Cincinnati Music Hall
Cincinnati, OH

Civic Theatre, Allentown
Allentown, PA

Clemens Center For Performing Arts
Elmira, NY

Colonial Theatre, Laconia Restoration
Laconia, NH

Colonial Theatre, Pittsfield
Pittsfield, MA

Colony Theatre Fire Curtain
Marietta, OH

Columbus Palace Theatre
Columbus, OH

Copley Symphony Hall
San Diego, CA

Coronado Performing Arts Center
Rockford, IL

Curran Theatre
San Francisco, CA

Cutler Majestic Theater
Boston, MA

David H. Koch Theater
New York, NY

Diana Chapman Walsh Alumnae Hall
Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA

Egyptian Theatre
Los Angeles, CA

Embassy Theatre, Lewiston
Lewiston, PA

Embassy Theatre, New York City
New York, NY

Fillmore Theater
Detroit, MI

Florida Theatre - Historic Finishes Study
Jacksonville, FL

Florida Theatre Restoration
Jacksonville, FL

Folly Theater
Kansas City, MO

Fox Fullerton Theatre
Fullerton, CA

Fox Theater, Spokane
Spokane, WA

Fox Theatre, Oakland
Oakland, CA

Fox Theatre, Tucson
Tucson, AZ

Fox West Theatre Fire Curtain
Trinidad, CO

George Gund Foundation Lobby
Ohio Theatre, Cleveland, OH

Golden State Theatre
Monterey, CA

Granada Theatre
Santa Barbara, CA

Grand Opera House, Meridian
Meridian, MS

Helen Hayes Theatre
New York, NY

Herbst Theatre
Veterans Building, San Francisco, CA

Historic Amphitheater
University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA

Holland Theatre
Bellefontaine, OH

Hollywood Pantages Theatre
Los Angeles, CA

Hudson Theatre
New York, NY

Kings Theatre
Brooklyn, NY

LA Tower Theatre
Los Angeles, CA

Landmark Theatre
Syracuse, NY

Leimert Theatre
Los Angeles, CA

Lerner Theatre
Elkhart, IN

Los Angeles Theatre
Los Angeles, CA

Lunt-Fontanne Theatre
New York, NY

Lyric Theatre
Birmingham, AL

Mask & Wig Club
Philadelphia, PA

Memorial Hall & Sanders Theater
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Milbank Chapel, Teachers College
Columbia University, New York, NY

Milton and Tamar Maltz Performing Arts Center
Cleveland, OH

Mount Baker Theatre
Bellingham, WA

Neil Simon Theatre
New York, NY

New Amsterdam Theatre
New York, NY

New Mission Theatre
Alamo Drafthouse Cinema, San Francisco, CA

Palace Theatre At TSX Broadway
New York, NY

Palace Theatre, Stamford
Stamford, CT

Paramount Theatre at Emerson College
Boston, MA

Parkway Theatre
Baltimore, MD

Philadelphia Academy of Music
Philadelphia, PA

Pierre Bourdelle Murals
Museum Center, Cincinnati, OH

Proctors Theatre
Schenectady, NY

Radio City Music Hall Murals
New York, NY

Richard Rodgers Theatre
New York, NY

Roper Theater
Norfolk, VA

Russian Lounge
Kennedy Center, Washington, DC

Rylander Theatre
Americus, GA

Saban Theatre
Beverly Hills, CA

Saenger Theatre
New Orleans, LA

Samuel J. Friedman Theatre
New York, NY

Sandusky State Theatre
Sandusky, OH

Severance Hall
Cleveland, OH

Shea’s Performing Arts Center
Buffalo, NY

Shubert & Booth Theatre
New York, NY

Silver Theater
Silver Spring, MD

St. George Theatre
Staten Island, NY

St. George Theatre, Paint Study
Staten Island, NY

St. James Theatre
New York, NY

Tacoma Pantages Theatre
Tacoma, WA

Tampa Theatre
Tampa, FL

Tampa Theatre Auditorium Paint Study
Tampa, FL

Tennessee Theatre
Knoxville, TN

The Bob Hope (Fox) Theatre
Stockton, CA

The Historic West Bend Theatre
West Bend, WI

The Lyric Theatre, New York City
New York, NY

The Olympia Theatre
Miami, FL

The Plaza Theater
El Paso, TX

The Portsmouth Music Hall
Portsmouth, NH

The Stanley Theatre
Utica, NY

Thomaston Opera House
Thomaston, CT

Times Square Church
New York, NY

UCLA Nimoy Theatre
Los Angeles, CA

United Palace
New York, NY

Victory Theatre Mural Conservation
Holyoke, MA

Victory Theatre Paint Study
Holyoke, MA

Village East Cinema
New York, NY

Virginia Theatre
Champaign, IL

Warner Theatre, Erie
Erie, PA

Warner Theatre, Torrington
Torrington, CT

Weill Café
Carnegie Hall, New York, NY

Winold Reiss Mosaics
Museum Center, Cincinnati, OH

Winter Garden Theatre
New York, NY